Are you looking for information about Creston Residence price? The developer is offering discounts and VVIP privileges to get the best price for your condo. Read on for more information about this new condo development. You will find out why the developer is offering direct developer prices and what you need to know about them. Creston Residence is located near a shopping center, so you will be able to go and shop without any hassles. The amenities of this condo development will give you the comfort and security you deserve. Creston Avenue Residence is LEED Platinum certified The 66-unit, LEED Platinum-certified development, Creston Avenue Residence, is one of the nation's first projects that addresses the housing needs of chronically homeless adults. The development is a model of integrated housing, minimizing the stigma associated with supportive housing and connecting socially vulnerable tenants with the resources and support they need. The building features bamboo flooring in t...